It is almost time that we will start our new company, Xellz and introduce to the world of Project Logistics a new concept called Project Freight Management+.
PFM+ is Project Freight Management in its totality from project initiation through RFQ process, Evaluation of Costs, to the actual operation of the project until the end.
In these times where corporations need to perform cost savings and where experienced personnel is hard to get or to have, PFM+ is just for your company. With our Project Freight Management online application (projeXsmart) we offer complete transparency to all stakeholders. Xellz has the highest ratio of Project Management available then any other company out there. Decades of know how and expertise that will be managing your projects together with our in-house Engineering experts (Ocean, Air and or Offshore) there is no better and more cost efficient method out there.
Xellz is unique with its concept that is designed to help corporations that have had to cost on personnel and so do not have the resources to operate their project logistics in a professional and efficient way. Our processes are proven. Our cost saving and avoidance programs are there to get value for you instantly. Our people are the most dedicated and committed in the industry.
Xellz is the fastest growing Project Freight Management company in the world and we know this is because you, our customers, together with our people, have made this happen.